Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 2014 - "Cooking for the birds"

It's been a long time since I posted one of these entries! Not to say we weren't feeding the birds fresh foods, but it was more along the lines of preparing dinner every night or making a larger batch of Avian  Organics mash and adding a few vegetables.

However, with Spring coming back and the prospect of the Farmer's Market also returning and being able to select fresh in season produce combined with the four day week-end I just had, well I made a batch of "greens".

I have no picture of the "before" state of the veggies that went in - got too lazy to get everything out at once and set-up for the picture, as well as not knowing what exactly was going to go in.

The finished mix of chopped vegetables, grains and legumes

It definitively was not my most thought out bunch of food, but it'll do.

-Black kale
-Green beans
-Red and orange bell peppers
-Chick peas
-Adzuki beans
-Mung beans
-Black lentils

This aslo marks the return of chick peas in the evening mash, which I'm sure will delight Léa. I haven't yet bagged what I got, so I'm not sure how many weeks worth I got, but I'm sure that there is more than enough to last until the Farmer's Market starts operating again in May!


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