Sunday, August 10, 2014

Outside time!

Earlier today we went outside with the birds. The plan was to go out bright and early to beat the heavy humid head, however, due to the timing it took to have everyone ready, we didn't go out quite as early as I would have liked, but we went out nevertheless.

And the heat had started to pick up by that time (nine o'clock). So our time outside was around 45 minutes, as I started to find it unbearable. Most of the birds still seemed to not mind it too much, but I think Léa was looking forward to going back in the cool house.

Of course, I took a few pictures, and, as usual when it comes to these type of pictures, I used my phone. There wasn't a cloud in sight and the sun was shining down rather harshly for it being early morning.

The set-up (there are two more cages on the table with the blue tarp) -

The birds -

The colours seem different as I have an Instagram filter applied to them - it helped some of the colours pop and not looked so washed out by the sun, although Blogger is making everything look more purple than it ought to be.

The neighbour's cat to whom I referred to in a previous post relating to the birds being outside didn't show as much interest in the birds today - the Boy did spot him on the other side of the fence, but it was busy eating another neighbour's grass and then just moved away.

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