Yet another installment of the cooking for the bird series!
Last week-end, I made a new batch of food for the birds. In total, I think I got a little over 8 or 9 weeks of food out of it, once divided into daily portions.
As far as the vegetables are concerned, everything that went in the mix was either from the local Farmers market or from my garden (which is slowly starting to produce things that are ready to eat). I try to get as much of the stuff organic, and definitively ensure that the leafy vegetables are.
-Rainbow chard (pictured - from my garden)
-Black kale (pictured - from the Farmers market)
-Carrots (pictured - from the Farmers market, mine aren't quite ready)
-Turnips (pictured - from the Farmers market)
-Purple cauliflower (pictured - from the Farmers market)
-Corn (pictured - from a local Farmers stand)
-Chilis (pictured - from my garden)
-Chick peas
-Adzuki beans
-Mung beans
-French & black lentils
-Organic purple barley
So this time I went a little heavier on the grains and legumes it seems, although it was purely coincidental as I never know what the end result will look like. While I do measure out those dry ingredients (which get soaked overnight before being cooked), I don't necessarily measure out the veggies and just throw in whatever I have. I'm sure the birds won't complain as they tend to like the beans and grains...
Next time I'll try to shift the proportion and given the Market season is already coming to a close, I might just prepare another batch of food before I run out of this one and alternate what is offered just to mix things up!
This looks so yummy! What happens between the first and second pictures? Just a lot of chopping, or...?
Thanks, Natacha! (And thanks for the welcome over on Avian Avenue, too.)
A lot of chopping, steaming of the vegetables and cooking of the grains and legumes :)
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