Sunday, November 30, 2014

308:365 - Shade

For Tuesday, November 4th.

307:365 - Zuri

For Monday, November 3rd.

306:365 - Léa

For Sunday, November 2nd.

305:365 - Piper

For Saturday, November 1st.

304:365 - Joey

For Friday, October 31st.

303:365 - Pixel

For Thursday, October 30th.

302:365 - Petey

For Wednesday, October 29th.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

301:365 - Pixel

For Tuesday, October 28th.

300:365 - Zuri

Day 300!

For Monday, October 27th.

299:365 - Petey's Dr. Evil impression

Look at those eyes!

For Sunday, October 26th.

298:365 - Coral and ruffles

For Saturday, October 25th.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

297:365 - Is there something behind here?

For Friday, October 24th.

296:365 - Piper

For Thursday, October 23rd.

295:365 - Lift it up in the air!

All but one foot!

For Wednesday, October 22nd.

294:365 - *yawn*

Must of her pictures from this shoot featured her might as well go with it.

For Tuesday, October 21th.

293:365 - Hey!!

Going through the pictures of Zuri from that week, it appeared that I was once again going to post a picture of him nicely posed...until I reached this one - and it made me laughed. It might not be the sharpest picture, but because of how unique it is, it was selected.

For Monday, October 20th.

292:365 - Léa antics

I have no idea what is going on in this picture. But she looks happy so it's all good. And it also cracks me up every time I look at her goofy grin.

For Sunday, October 19th.

291:365 - Awkward

Something just doesn't look right about the way he's standing...and the fact that he kept the pose for some time.

This picture also happens to crack me up.

For Saturday, October 18th.

290:365 - What?

Not impressed that I chose to continue taking pictures instead of scratching her head.

For Friday, October 17th.

289:365 - ♥

Always looking adorable!

For Thursday, October 16th.

288:365 - Hi!

Not the sharpest picture, but he kept moving during that particular photo shoot and this one is my favourite out of the few pictures I did manage to get.

For Wednesday, October 15th.

The reach

Mustn't put too much effort into plat sometimes!

287:365 - Preening Petey

Yes, there is a bit of a theme going on here. But it appears that it is what they wanted to do when the camera was out that week.

For Tuesday, October 14th.

286:365 - Must clean those toes!

For Monday, October 13th.

285:365 - Preening away

She didn't particularly care for the camera being out and just kept doing was she was doing.

For Sunday, October 12th.

284:365 - Léa

For Saturday, October 11th.

Over a month of pictures/posts to catch up on.