Which means I'll finally be able to receive a few parcels I've been waiting for!
Canada Post and the worker's Union had been unable to come to an agreement for the new collective agreement and while things were still running while the Union had put in place rotating strikes, earlier this month Canada Post decided to lock out all employees, forcing the Federal Government to intervene.
Long story short - we were without mail for a little while.
Timing for me was bad - just as the Sidewalk Sale crept along on Avian Avenue. Not that I ordered much, but I have five parcels which either got held "hostage" or weren't shipped, waiting for the whole situation to be over.
I should be getting a
Things for Wings package in the next few days, as it was close to getting here before the lock-out happened - combination of some items from a sale that happened a while ago as well as some items purchased during the Sidewalk Sale.
As well, I'm looking forward to a package from
Oliver's Garden; I should be getting two new swings, one for Zuri and one for Petey as well as getting some toys for Piper, Pixel and Shade and finally getting a platform perch for Léa as well as a U Crabby toy, which I have loved the moment I saw it. It's adorable - as far as toys can be adorable.
But not only bird stuff had been purchased during the Sidewalk Sale -
Quaking Canopy, which is a small business based in the United States, participated and was having an incredible deal on homemade goat milk soap. I got a few things to try out and am quite looking forward to receiving the package as I've heard good thing after good thing about the products.
That is only three packages..
A little while ago Coco, from
Coco's Flock, posted about how to get a great discount from Wingdow for a Wingdow unit. It kept bugging me and I spoke about it to the Boy so he could tell me that it wasn't worth it for whatever reason and he decided to get a medium sized unit as a gift for me! So that should be on it's way too.
Finally, I felt the need to get skewers but failed to take advantage of the Mother Pluckin' Sidewalk Sale discount. But, everything happens for a reason, as I found out a few days later that
Expandable Habitat was having a sale (which I believe is still on until the end of June) on their skewers and toy hangers - buy three get one free. So I got a few of those, in the 6 1/2" and 11" models.
I'm looking forward to receiving everything!