Sunday, January 10, 2010

Get-a-grip net

I wanted one of those nets for so long.
Then, when went out of business last spring and has incredible savings on whatever merchandise was left, I took the plunge and ordered a net.

Unfortunately, it was sitting in my storage closet neatly folded in the box it came in as I didn't have space to hang it.

However, my new bird room has more space and today my dad came to help me put hooks in the (concrete) ceilings and I finally was able to hang my net.

I love it and so do the birds. I was sure it would take them a bit of getting use to before they would actually go on it but to my surprise, all but one of them went on it almost right away.

Here are some pictures.

Joey was first and he seemed to enjoy it the most.

Piper didn't seem to mind it at all either.

Shade wasn't entirely impressed with it in the beginning but started moving around soon enough.

Finally, Zuri acted as if it was always there.


Andrew Elliott said...

Fantastic! I love to see the pics of each bird and how they react cool! I've been looking at getting a decent net...I know my budgies would enjoy it but it always takes Kidjo a long time before checking something out...must be a senegal trait...

I also really like the header for your blog with each of the birds in profile...looks really good...

Natacha said...

Thank for the kind words!

Nets are awesome! If you are looking for a Get-a-grip, I would suggest looking here. She has decent prices for her nets (I bought mine from Birdbrains when they were going out of business).